Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Project Update (blog post 7)

Last week I worked on the restoration strategies map which now gives me draft versions for all three maps. What I plan to do this week is finalize the maps and create the final power point slide.  (The maps posted down below are up to date)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Project Update (blog post 6)

So far this week, I continued to work on the overview map to make it more appealing to the viewer.  I also began to work on the restoration strategy map.  In the next few days I plan to have a majority of the restoration map done.  Once this map is near complete, I intend on sending the maps to my client and giving him a progress report.  Above is what I have so far.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Project Update (blog post 5)

Over the past few days I have decided on one particular base map for all three overviews.  I have also worked on and almost completed a draft for the overview and watershed map.  As of right now, my current focus is getting a draft started for the restoration strategy map.
            Yesterday I began the restoration strategy map by going through Sarah Schaefer’s report and highlighting all her suggestions for each section.  From here I decided that I was going to make two point files, one for pervious surface and one for wetlands.  These points will mark the suggested areas mentioned in Sarah’s pollution and restoration assessment.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Project Update (blog post 4)

During lab today, I continued to work on the overview map.  Today I tried to make the map look professional as possible.  I added a legend with some facts pertaining to the pond’s size, depth, etc.  Within the next few days, I should receive the working pond shape file.  Once this is added to the map, some final touches will be made.  Once the first map is done, I will then move on to map two, the watershed map.  Before next class, I plan to have one final draft and two drafts to present during class.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Project Update (blog post 3)

Today I began going through the data that Sarah sent me.  Some of the files gave me problems when I tried opening them in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog.  Tomorrow I will meet with Sarah to fix these problems. I will also get any remaining files that she has. Today, I also started on the first draft of the pond overview map.  I found and chose a base map which I believe will work well for this particular map (see below).